Work        Team       Marketplace

Where do the objects come from?

We aim to team up with communities, organisations and institutions to discuss and speculate on the future of issues close to them.
To do this we organise workshops where we collaborate with the members of these organizations, where we together design objects and services that act as "storytellers" from those futures, and help us explore and unpack possible consequences.

Who takes part in the workshops?

If your association, society or company has any big questions about the future of your area of interest that would need to be discussed, you are in the right place!
We offer a fun and productive way to research and discuss the future of your area of interest, where you and your peers can produce and reflect on real ideas and their consequences.

Is participation anonymous?

We take privacy with great care, therefore you can be anonymous or use a nickname if you wish! Unless you want to sign your design with your own name yourself, we won’t ever ask for it. Also, if the character of the workshop is internal to your company or organisation and deals with information you would rather not share with the public, we will accommodate this as well.

How do you come up with Futures?

Our scenarios are a result of researching current trends, lifestyles, politics and scientific discoveries. We would be happy to discuss with you which future possibility you hold in greater regard, and we are sure we can find some common grounds to start an interesting exploration!

Can I suggest a Future? Can I contact you to work with my community or organisation?

Yes, you can, and we’ll be really happy if you would! If you have an issue or a plausible scenario in mind, or need help in speculating on the future of your current concerns, please contact us at
SNQ team will get back to you as soon as possible!