Chaos Container (Includes ADU Workforce)
BY Anti Disruption Unit
£ 150 per week*
Since the recent abolition of alcohol, workplaces across the nation have been struggling to control, and even identify, chaos inciters. For only £150 per week* the ADU will install and manage chaos containers within your office space. Blood alcohol readers, public shaming rings, sober stoppers and in-cell viagra dispensers also available for a negotiable additional price.
*£150 per week, per prisoner. Number calculated by headcount at 6 hour intervals

by: Jack Forde
Got absolutely tw**ted the other night with some of the other 4 shift workers (absolute legends). Came back to work and this one ADU was giving me such a hard time. Long story short I ended up ripping out his sensory module and pushing him into the tranquility pool. Boss saw me and hit me with a double dose of KTMN. One of my Nootrofics kicked back in when I was in one of these containers. Apparently the alcohol we had had that night had been laced with hypo-agro and I would have fought a priest. Great craic but almost lost my job. Glad these things and this box saved me.
Some hangover off that KTMN though.
Would you recommend it? YES